How To Setup SSL on AWS LightSail


Today, I’m here to hold your virtual hand and guide you through this SSL setup. Buckle up, because we’re diving in without the corporate gibberish.

Step 1: Prepping Up

First things first, log into your AWS LightSail account. Once you’re in, choose the LightSail instance where your website’s hanging out. Go on, give it a loving click.

Step 2: Playing Hide and Seek with Networking

In the instance’s dashboard, you’ll spot a ‘Networking’ tab. Click it. Aha! There’s the ‘Create DNS zone’ button. Let’s give it a click and create a new DNS zone for your fancy domain name.

Step 3: DNS Who?

Amazon’s Route 53 DNS service might sound like an action movie, but it’s just what you need. So, pick your domain and choose ‘Create records in Route 53.’ This hands things over to Route 53 for a while.

Step 4: Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun

Time to get cozy with the AWS Certificate Manager. Look for it under the ‘Networking’ tab. Click ‘Create certificate’ and pick the ‘Request a public certificate’ option. Type your domain(s) and hit ‘Next.’

Step 5: Proof of Ownership

Amazon will now toss some validation methods your way. Choose whichever feels like a breeze. DNS validation’s the cool kid. It’s like a scavenger hunt for codes. Add ’em to your DNS settings (Route 53, remember?). Now, we wait. Amazon’s gonna snoop around to see if you really own that domain.

Step 6: Certificate Celebration

Pop the virtual champagne! Your certificate’s been approved. Now, choose ‘Create record in Route 53’ for each domain in your certificate. More DNS wizardry. Oh, the joy!

Step 7: The Finale — Lightsail Love

Return to your LightSail instance’s dashboard. Drumroll, please. Click on the ‘Networking’ tab again. This time, under ‘Load balancer,’ find your instance’s load balancer. Drop that SSL certificate on it like confetti. Save changes, of course.

Step 8: Kudos! You’re Done

Deep breaths. You’ve done it! Your website’s now secured with SSL. Bask in the glory of that shiny padlock icon in the address bar. Time to spread the word: “My website? Oh, it’s SSL-protected. No biggie.”

Remember, my friend, this journey might sound spartan, but it’s all about conquering that SSL beast without the techy mumbo-jumbo. Until our next adventure, keep surfing that secure web!

