Top 100 DevOps scenario-based interview questions with answer Part-1

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1. How would you manage a high-traffic release to ensure minimal downtime?

Answer: Plan ahead, use feature toggles for quick adjustments, conduct thorough testing, and monitor in real-time for rapid issue resolution.

2. Walk us through setting up a CI/CD pipeline for a complex application.

Answer: Integrate version control, employ tools like Jenkins and Git, focus on automated testing, and automate deployment processes for faster releases.

3. How do you handle versioning and collaboration issues in Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

Answer: Use Git for version control, create modular and reusable code, document changes, and implement a collaborative branching strategy.

4. What steps would you take to resolve a critical service outage in production?

Answer: Stay calm, identify the root cause through logs and monitoring, apply quick fixes if needed, and conduct a post-incident review for preventive measures.

5. How do you integrate security practices into the DevOps pipeline?

Answer: Incorporate security checks in CI/CD, perform static code analysis, use vulnerability scanning tools, and emphasize continuous monitoring and regular security audits.

6. Describe strategies to optimize resource usage and control costs in a cloud environment.

Answer: Utilize auto-scaling based on demand, leverage reserved instances for predictable workloads, and implement monitoring tools for cost optimization.

7. How do you manage database schema changes and migrations without downtime?

Answer: Use blue-green deployments, implement backward-compatible schema changes, and perform thorough testing in a staging environment.

8. How do you foster collaboration between development and operations teams in a DevOps environment?

Answer: Encourage cross-functional teams, share responsibilities, automate manual processes, and establish effective communication channels.

9. How do you approach implementing effective infrastructure monitoring for system reliability?

Answer: Utilize monitoring tools, set up alerts based on key performance indicators, implement log aggregation, and create dashboards for real-time insights.

10. How would you introduce DevOps practices in a traditional development and operations setup?

Answer: Start with a pilot project, involve key stakeholders, showcase the benefits of DevOps, and gradually expand practices to foster a collaborative and agile culture.

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