Top 100 DevOps scenario-based interview questions with answer Part-8

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1. Why is Infrastructure as Code (IaC) considered a best practice in DevOps?

Answer: IaC allows for managing and provisioning infrastructure through code, promoting consistency, version control, and ease of reproducibility.

2. What role does Feature Branching play in collaborative development?

Answer: Feature Branching involves creating separate branches for new features. It enables parallel development without affecting the main codebase until features are ready for integration.

3. How does Continuous Deployment differ from Continuous Delivery?

Answer: Continuous Delivery involves automatically deploying code to a staging environment after successful builds, while Continuous Deployment goes a step further by automatically deploying to production.

4. What is the purpose of Artifact Repositories in the DevOps toolchain?

Answer: Artifact Repositories store and manage binary artifacts, such as compiled code or libraries. They ensure that dependencies are versioned and easily accessible during the build and deployment processes.

5. How can Dark Launching benefit software releases in DevOps?

Answer: Dark Launching involves releasing a new feature to a small subset of users without them knowing. It helps test features in a real environment while minimizing the impact on the entire user base.

6. Why is Failover Testing important in ensuring system resilience?

Answer: Failover Testing simulates the failure of a system component and tests the automatic switching to a backup. It ensures that the system can gracefully handle unexpected failures.

7. In DevOps, what is the purpose of Code Reviews ?

Answer: Code Reviews involve peers reviewing each other’s code. They ensure code quality, catch errors early, and facilitate knowledge sharing among team members.

8. How does Shift-Right testing contribute to user satisfaction?

Answer: ‘Shift-Right’ testing involves testing in production to gather real user feedback. It ensures that the application meets user expectations in a real-world environment.

9. Why is Ephemeral Environments beneficial in the development lifecycle?

Answer: Ephemeral Environments are temporary environments created on-demand. They provide developers with isolated spaces to test changes without affecting the main system.

10. What is the role of Automated Dependency Management in DevOps?

Answer: Automated Dependency Management ensures that software dependencies are automatically updated and tracked. It prevents version conflicts and ensures that the application uses the latest and most secure dependencies.

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